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Overhanging cantilever parasol, 3.5m diameter octagonal, grey fabric


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£108.00 each

This octagonal parasol is 11'6" diameter (3.5m). Quality features include a showerproof grey UV treated polyester fabric and a powder coated grey steel frame. The parasol opens and retracts with a simple winding handle crank mechanism. The overall maximum height is 8'2" (2.48m) although this can be adjusted. This cantilever parasol is freestanding so you can position the parasol anywhere around the table or position chairs under it, rather than around a central pole as with conventional designs. The flexible overhanging design helps to provide maximum shade. This size is popular with large 8-10 seater sets.

The parasol base must be securely fixed down at the bottom. You can either weigh the parasol down using a weighted base (sold separately) or fix the parasol base down into a solid surface such as concrete or decking.

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